Holiday Capacity Planning

If you’re planning your holiday order volume on a wing and a prayer, this video is for you. If your restaurants pull the trigger to turn off online ordering or 3rd party delivery when they start to feel busy, this video is for you. If you just like to listen to the dulcet tone of my voice, this video is for you.

In this video, I’ll introduce the idea of “Capacity Planning” for online orders at restaurants. No one wants your restaurants to get too busy that they can’t keep up; especially your restaurant teams. Work with the data you have to control the orders coming in so that your team stays busy but doesn’t get TOO busy on holidays.

This is the most basic idea of capacity planning, there are more complex ways to more accurately forecast your volumes. If you’re interested in getting help setting this heat map or some more complex reporting, I’d be happy to help. You can schedule a 30-minute introductory meeting with me here.

Also, as I mention in the video, there are some kick-ass things happening behind the scenes at Make Good Lemonade. If you sign up for our newsletter, you’ll be the first to know. You can sign up here.

I’m excited for this holiday season, and helping you make them bright!


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